Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 2 of Oro being in the house

The 2nd week of Oro being in the house started Fri. Mom or dad have been holding him in the living room for at least 5 min a day while I hold Maggie. It seems like she's going to be the last thing preventing Oro from being able to roam the house. The other pets don't mind when he's in the living room. I talked to my vet yesterday about Oro & Maggie. He reminded me to not give Oro any privileges that another cat is use to having. Even though, I've been trying to spend as much time as possible with Maggie while Oro was in my room, she wasn't able to be in my room whenever she wanted & wasn't able to sleep with me or sit on my lap while I study. My parents & I decided to put Oro in their room every other day/night. That way, Maggie & Pumpkin (mom's cat) can adjust to having a new cat in their rooms while having access to the rooms 1/2 the time. We put Oro in my parents' room. Pumpkin stayed on the dresser while Oro was on the bed. This was ok for a little bit. Pumpkin didn't like it, but didn't start hissing for a bit. I think this was Pumpkin's 1st time hissing at Oro/his smell. When Polly, our dog, went in the room, she jumped on the bed, as usual, & was surprised to see Oro there, but she adjusted. It didn't bother her much. Pumpkin has to stay out of the room while Oro's in there unless my parents are in their with them to help them adjust. I had to clean my room (replace bed clothes, vacuum, & mop the wood floor to get rid of any ear mites that might still be alive) before putting Maggie in there. I closed the door with Maggie in my room while I put new bed clothes on the bed. Usually, that's Maggie's favorite. She loves playing with the sheets when I replace them. All she wanted was to get out of the room. She stayed at the door, meowing. I had to carry her around the room. She hissed at Oro's smell. I don't think she slept with me last night, but this morning, she came in. We're now back to her coming in my room & laying on my bed asking for attention & giving it while I study. I held Oro in my parents room, then held Maggie. She hissed at his smell on me. My vet reminded me that it can take cats up to a month to adjust to a new pet in the house. We're going to have to continue to alternate days/nights with Oro being in my parents' & my room. We knew Maggie would be the hardest to adjust. Our other cat, Cuddles, doesn't care about Oro.

By the way, Oro likes closets. Also, to test his smartness, when my friend, Lisa, came over. I had her say his name. He perked up. Now, we know he knows his name!

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