Sunday, August 15, 2010

I learned several days ago that just because a cat's in the room, it doesn't mean he sees all the other pets in that room. Pumpkin had been in the living room almost every time We took Oro out there. I decided to Pumpkin Oro by carrying her over to him & making her look at him. Boy, she was even more mad than Maggie! I'd also never seen Oro mad. Apparently, he hadn't seen her much. I forgot that he'd seen Maggie through the window before he came inside. I don't know how we're going to introduce him to Cuddles since she doesn't like to be picked up. Maggie goes back & forth between being ok with Oro & being mad. By ok, I mean not mad, but she doesn't like him.

I forget if I mentioned in my previous post that Oro's not neutered yet. My parents learned & taught me that if we pet Oro a lot, he'll stop his loud meowing in the middle of the night!

It's been about a month since I put the soft paws of Oro. They're starting to fall off, like they're suppose to.

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