Friday, August 6, 2010

Oro likes a toy

Last night, Maggie was able to be in my room. Oro was in my parents' room. Maggie was back to her normal self, not desperately wanting out of my room. She thoroughly enjoyed being able to go in & out of my room & has enjoyed it today.

She still smells him.

She smells him. Her tail's up. She's mad.

She's starting to smell him on the yarn. He played w/it 1st. I'm not sure if she's wagging her tail b/c she's playing or b/c she's mad.

As much as Maggie hates Oro, she has something in common w/him. the only toy they both like is yarn.

He stole the yarn from me.

So he prefers it to be dangled.

I don't think he knows to chase it.

He likes it!

I'm not sure why blogger rotated these. When I downloaded them, they were vertical. Last night, I introduced Oro to a new toy, the good, old fashioned yarn! The yarn in these pix is the color of the carpet, so it's hard to see. Here, he's checking it out, not sure what it is.

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