Sunday, August 15, 2010

Teaching Sunday School

I taught preschool sunday school at Quest Community Church & loved it. I was really able to call that class my own. I remember being encouraged by the kids' growth & learning things I taught them. When I got in the children's ministry at Linworth, I wasn't sure I'd have time to teach & that position was filled. I waited for about a yr for an opening, while helping in the 1s/2s. I didn't particularly love it, but it was ok. God is so good. This position didn't open until my school decreased from full time to part time so that I have time. I'm a little rusty, but I look forward to improving & being able to call it my own class, watch the kids grow, learn, & learn with them.

Before teaching, I'd helped so I could see how the class was run & how to teach it. When preparing for my 1st time teaching today, I spent a little over an hour planning it. I only planned for the activities that I'd seen the kids do & an extra activity which involved puppetry, which the other teacher wishes she could remember to do. I looked forward to getting back into puppetry as I did that at Grace Point Community Church.

During class today, at 10:30, I saw that the parents could come anytime between then and 10:45, the latest that the service usually gets out. We were just finishing up the last activity. I thought they could play for that extra time. Well, the service ran even later, until 5 till 11, 10 extra minutes. I really didn't want the kids to play the whole time, although it wouldn't have hurt. I wanted to do something more meaningful. I also noticed it was too quiet. The kids were being kids, but there wasn't any background noise, which I need. I looked for a CD, but there wasn't 1 that only had music on it. I'll have to look for it later. That's 1 thing I used a lot at Quest. I always had the CD player on except for during the lesson & prayer. The kids are use to singing a Bible song as they pass the Bible around. The kid who has it when the song stops takes it to the teacher. I know the chorus, but not the verses. I thought my helper might know more. She didn't. We thought the kids could help. They didn't. This is a different song than is in the lesson book. It's an older 1 that another teacher taught everyone. I need to get the words to that song. During clean up time, I missed the "Everybody Clean up" song that I use to play. I played the clean up song on the only CD that I found. Neither my assistant or I knew that version. I taught the kids that when they get too noisy, I'll clap and they have to repeat it. It worked! Next, I need to implement the only-talk-when-you-have-the-ball thing. So, for next month, the next time I teach, I'm going to have to plan for some extra activities in case we have time.

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