Thursday, August 5, 2010

Middle of wk 2 of Oro being in the house

I'm writing often because if I don't, I'll forget what I want to write by the time I get to it. A couple nights ago, dad said that when Polly was in my parents' room w/Oro, Polly laid next to the side of the bed, nose facing the corner. Oro laid next to the other side of the bed, also, nose facing the same corner that Polly's nose was facing. They stayed that way for a while.

We tried having Oro in my parents room for 2 nights/days at a time. That didn't work. Pumpkin wanted in the room and got upset. We're back to every other day/night.

For the past couple of days, mom's been holding Oro in the living room while I hold Maggie so she'll face him for 5 mins. 1/2 the time when I look and call for her when I just want to give her attention, she doesn't come. I looked for her more today and found her under our chair in the living room with the skirt. I think since she doesn't know when Oro will be out, she hides from him under there!

I introduced Oro to the brush for his fur. He's not a fan.

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