Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oro's 1st couple days inside

2nd day: his 1st time on the windowsill.

He eats & drinks more than any cat I've known! I'm giving him free food for now. He's 11 pounds, which is 1 pound too much. I'll check his weight sometime in the next wk or so & determine if I need to control his food. If he doesn't gain more weight, I'll continue giving him free food.

His 1st day inside, I brought Maggie in the room, holding her. I stood right in front of the door. He was sleeping. She hissed. We left. The 2nd day, yesterday, I took her in again. He was awake, but didn't mind her as much as she minded him. I was holding her & we got much closer w/o her hissing. She didn't like it when she wasn't hissing, ofc.

I'm teaching him to be affectionate. I put him on my chest & pet him a lot & he eventually lays down. He licked me! I've been waiting for that. He didn't stay on me the whole night.

Looking at a cat on the other side of the door. In the pic, you can't see the reflection of the other cat on the floor. 1 of them hissed, but idk which. This was his 2nd night inside.

He's right in front of the door now. He hasn't figured out the function of a mirror!

He found the fish. He's staring at it in my aquarium, which is across the room.

The 2nd night inside, he makes progress moving towards the door. Here, he's just past the foot of my bed.

Oro found the birds.

Again, Maggie trying to ignore Oro.

Mom held Oro for a bit in the living room to get adjusted to the house & pets. I think most of the time, Maggie, my baby, tried to ignore him as if it would make him go away!

Oro's 1st night, he slept on the floor. We got a collar for him that has pheremones in it. Pheremones are the human imitation of the scent that the mother cat gives to comfort her kittens. The human imitation of it is used to calm cats in stressful situations. This is the 1st time we've used it. He's not neutered yet, although, he will be in a couple wks, hopefully. Male cats tend to spray more when intact. To prevent that, we got the collar w/pheremones. I was able to test him for ear mites, external parasites. He has some. We gave him medicine. We need to keep him in a room, in this case, it's mine. This is so that he & our other 3 cats can adjust to each other's smell & to prevent the mites from spreading.

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