Friday, July 2, 2010

God's provision

Apparently, being awarded money doesn't mean my appeal was accepted. The plan now is for me to stay in my classes. If the appeal isn't accepted by 7/12, the school will drop my classes. I'll get my professors to sign a paper letting me back in the class without having to pay the $75 for non-payment. Hopefully, that'll give enough time for the appeal to be accepted. If it's not accepted, I'll be screwed. I'm just trusting that God'll provide.

My parents got a free car in good condition, so we now have 2 cars. Someone I know paid for the materials I need for 2 classes. I looked on the school's library online & found the book for my photoshop class for free. I just downloaded the free 30 day trial version of photoshop for that class. Hopefully, by then, my financial aid will come through & I'll be able to afford to buy the student version from the school bookstore. God's been providing just what we need at the last minute! PTL! Now we need dad to get a job.

Yesterday, I was driving in some kind of heavy traffic. A thought came to me, whether from me or from God. If God's provided my the materials I need for all my classes & a car so that dad has transportation to a future job while I drive my car to school, why wouldn't God get my appeal to be accepted? It's so logical. He wouldn't provide us with the other things & leave us hanging with a bunch of debt from school if the appeal's not accepted.

Plz keep my family in your prayers. Thanks!

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