Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I hate to start this blog with bad news. Polly died a couple weeks ago. We did all we could to save her. We got her ashes a couple days ago. They're next to the ashes of another of our previous dog on the hutch. Eventually, mom wants to get a picture of each pet and put them behind the appropriate pet's ashes. 

We got 2 new dogs just before Mom and I left for a mini vacation with her family for Thanksgiving. The 2 dogs were from different places. We got them for very good holiday deals. They're our Christmas presents. Feliz is my dog. It's Spanish for happy. I haven't had my own dog for a few years, so he makes me happy. He's 7 months and not trained. I just had him neutered. He's a pure bred Cocker Spaniel. When we leave the house, he goes in a cage. He doesn't pee until he sees someone coming to let him out. Before he can get out, he pees. Some dogs just pee from excitement. I need to train that out of him. He needs to be around someone at all times. The 1st time I threw a ball for him to bring back, he brought it back without me telling him to! Our backyard is a perfect size for him! He LOVES to run around it, not paying attention if I throw the ball. The new family dog is Heidi. She's 1-2 years old. We think she's a Manchester Terrier mix. We got her from the shelter. She's so hyper! She's very smart, though! She already knows the name we gave her. She's learning to sit on command and fetch and return.We learned that she can roam the house while we're gone because she'd gotten out of her cage and didn't make a mess. The day after we got them, we had them meet . We took them to a park. They did great! So much better than we expected. This is due to the fact that neither had lived in the house before the other, so there weren't territorial issues and Heidi came from the shelter, so she's use to other dogs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your dog Polly. It's so hard losing the one you love so much. I am glad to hear about the two new additions! I hope they train quickly, lots of new memories. Glad you have your own dog to care on during the time of missing Polly. God Bless!
