Saturday, May 29, 2010

school situation

A situation with school has come up. Actually, it's been a few months. some of you know that i had a concussion & was out of commission for 9 months. i didn't go to school for that time. i was able to start right where i left off in my classes. i took the classes that i'd had to drop out of the previous yr. last summer, i took hematology last summer. i had to fail the class b/c if we miss more than 2 classes, we automatically fail the course. the class is lab-based. i missed too many labs b/c using the microscopes 3 hrs/day 2x/wk increased the frequency of my migraines. that put me out-of-sequence in my program. due to that, i only take 2 vet classes a qtr, at the most. in order to be full time for financial aid & insurance, i had to take non-vet classes. apparently, every program at my school has a max. # of credits that each student can take. when the student has reached that #, they're suppose to be graduating. i'll have reached that when grades are posted at the end of this qtr. i have to file an appeal once grades are posted. financial aid has to accept it in order for me to continue getting school paid for. in the appeal, i need to include a letter from my dr stating the nature of my disability of migraines. i went to my opthalmologist. he said the things he'd put in the letter. i wasn't impressed. when i read the letter, i found it said exactly what i needed. his secretary, who was in the room while the dr was examining me, must've written it. PTL! i took it to the disabilities department at school. they were able to add the accommodation of taking frequent breaks when using a microscope to my accommodation form. i took that & the letter from my dr to my prof for hematology. she said i can take as frequent of breaks as i need! in order to do that & get all the work done, i'll be taking a 6 hr/wk class 2x/wk. i'm also going to call my family dr & have him write a letter explaining that i had a concussion, causing me to be out of school for 9 months. once i get that, i need to write a letter explaining the situation from my point of view. i need my appeal to be accepted in order to take classes in the summer. w/o the 2 vet classes that i'll be taking, i won't be able to intern in the fall, therefore postponing my graduation for a 3rd time. PRAY!!!!